How do you create my Info-Clips™ ?

We visit your website, social media and  also take a look at the info and pictures you will send us. Our professional video animators will use the latest technology to produce  your video according to your field, the shape of your logo, your colors and photos. We enjoy creating the best Info-Clips™ we can and we deliver them to you in as little as 2 weeks. We sign our work, so it has to be solid, otherwise we would not release it! 

Is it really only $197 ?

Yes,  this is an absolutely insane offer in order to build up our testimonials and portofolio examples. The first one is $197, you save over $300!  If you need additionnal ones for other employees, they are only $49 each!  In exchange, we hope you send us a review we can publish here for our official launch.

What if I don't like it ? 

Once we let you preview your Info-Clip™ , you will have a chance to share your thoughts with us.  At this moment, there is 1 round of revisions allowed within reasonable expectations and within the scope of the original concept. When the final cut is completed, if you are not satisfied we will fully refund you. Once you accept it,  you will be able to use it at will!

How do I share my Info-Clips™ ? 

Store it in your pictures/video on your cell and mark it as a favorite. Share it live via text message or include it in emails. Just try it a couple of times, it's really easy! You should also keep it available on your desktop. Videos can take up space and depending on the occasion you can choose to share only the link. Keep the link in your cell phone notes so you can copy-paste when needed.

Why does the info run by so fast ?

It keeps it interesting! It's a video, people can pause it to use the info.  

What info will you use ?

There are so many contact options today that it’s impossible to include them all without being tedious. We select those that are most likely to be helpful for the person who wants to contact you.  

Will I still need printed cards?

It's totally up to you, our goal is to eliminate paper cards and create  a safer,  more impressive and eco-friendly way to share your details. Most users after seeing the reactions won't want to use paper cards anymore! You can always carry a few with you just in case you meet somebody that doesn't have a phone or email. 

Why do you offer to host our Info-clips™ ?

The first thing is to download it on your phone and computers. If you want to embed it in your website or if you want to send only a link, it needs to be hosted. You can upload it to YouTube for free, but there are a lot of distractions, advertising, next video etc. and it does not look very professional. We offer you professional hosting without any distractions, people only see your video. The regular price is $24 per year.  The 1st year is free, so you have 1 year to evaluate your options.  

What about spelling errors ?

We are not responsible for catching mistakes, you are. There are too many languages.